
Why Did God Take My child?

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This is a question that any parent who has buried a child will have asked more than once. Unfortunately most of the answers at unsatisfactory.

"God's ways are mysterious" "Only the good die young" "God wanted another angel in heaven" "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away" "Your child has fulfilled God's plan for his/her life:" "Your child was a beautiful flower that the Lord has picked to add to his garden in heaven"

None of these answers satisfies. In fact they often make it worse. The grief is aching and seems never ending. Your faith is tested to the limit and you want to swear at God. Based on the personal loss of a son and two nephews, the first in his teens and other two in their 30s, Anazao has written this article after wrestling with this question at length. Here at last is a comprehensive satisfactory answer.

A money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the answer to this perplexing question,

25 A4 Pages, PDF download Only

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