Personal Ministry

Twenty seven years of full time personal ministry. Combined clinical ministry experience of over 40,000 hours.

IMPORTANT: Anazao draws from a wide variety of Christian and secular counselling techniques but predominantly use their own model, which is highly Christ-centred. Because of the spiritual interventions used – addressing personal sin linked to mental and physical disorders (nouthetic approach), engaging the kingdom of darkness, the expectation of direct interaction with the various members of the Trinity, in particular Jesus and Ruah (Holy Spirit), as well as angels – our model extends beyond the parameters of what constitutes the code of practice of counselling organisations, including Christian counselling organisations1 in Australia, NZ and most western first world countries. Aside from healing mental and emotional dysfunctions, the equal emphasis Anazao puts on healing physical ailments is one example of how Anazao’s ministry expands beyond the recognised boundaries of these counselling organisations.

Hence we call ourselves a Christian Ministry, not a Christian Counselling Practice.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that there are currently no mandated guidelines for counsellors in Australia: anyone can call themselves a counsellor and practice whatever they like. This is why we have in the past, and still could call ourselves a counselling practice. However, Anazao believes it is important to differentiate more strongly from the term ‘counsellor’ so as to avoid any confusion with the term and its use in the context of counselling organisations and their more limiting guidelines for practice.

  • Peter is the principal one-on-one facilitator.  He frequently consults with Heather regarding her input throughout the ministry sessions. Heather primarily deals, concurrently, with previous clients with post-ministry related follow-up and all other client and business related issues.
  • Based on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
  • Twenty seven (2024) years of full time ministry. Combined clinical experience of over 40,000 hours.
  • Considerable experience in physical and emotional healing resulting from accidents and trauma.
  • Provide ministry for Addictions, Anorexia and Bulimia, Anger, Communication difficulties, Depression, Dissociation, Fears, Marriage Issues, Pre-Marriage preparation, OCD, Parenting, Personality Assessment, Psychoses, Satanic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Dysfunctions, Trauma Resolution.
  • Highly experienced and effective in bringing resolution to DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) rapidly.
  • Highly experienced and effective in deprogramming SRA (Satanic Ritualistic Abuse) victims rapidly.
  • Bookings can fill up several months in advance, but a standby list for cancellations is available. 
  • The minimum appointment time is one day, but for new clients the minimum is three days. 
  • Ministry via Zoom is now the most common ministry connection available and surprisingly has minimal impact on the ministry process.
  • A day of ministry consists of 5 hours of actual one-on-one engagement with a 1 hour break in the middle. eg 2 & 1/2 hours, 1 hour break, 2 &1/2 hours. Total ministry session is 6 hours.
  • Overseas ministry via Zoom that requires Peter to counsel outside 9am – 6pm AEST and may incur overtime rates.
  1. ACA (Australian Counsellors Association). PACFA (Psychotherapy And Counselling Federation of Australia) CPCA (Certificated Practicing Counsellors Australia) AIPC (Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors) AAMFT (Australian Association of Marriage and Family Therapists) CCAA (Christian Counsellors Association of Australia) ARCAP (Australian Register of Counsellors & Psychotherapists)