Cutting Edge School – Recommendations

“Thank you for the unique grace you carry in the specialised ministry through Anazao. I have had the privilege of journeying with 1000’s individuals who’ve experience the most unthinkable trauma due to a life of addiction and crime in several capacities as a Registered Nurse, Health administrator (Director of Nursing) and as a credentialed minister of the gospel. Dissociation in my experience is profoundly more present than diagnosis rates would indicate (often due lag between awareness / knowledge and practice implementation). In the quest for a comprehensive answer to the complex problems which arise through trauma, pain and generational issues Anazao offers a biblically consistent and truly Jesus-centric approach which I have seen transform individuals in the most miraculous and permanent way.

The Anazao model combines the practical teaching of daily spiritual hygiene, the comprehensive theology and practice of the application of ministry, the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of darkness, holiness, communion and ministry to bring a complete approach to others wellbeing.

I have been stretched throughout the entire school. It is my opinion that the teaching / ministry / revelation incorporated in the Anazao school is urgently needed in this season of reformation in the church. The current season for the Christian church is being characterised by the revealing of the true Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom of God, mature believers who have experienced such cooperation with Holy Spirit that the image of Christ is indelibly etched upon them. Anazao is contributing greatly to this end in the life of the believer. I recommend every believer make attending the school a priority in their own discipleship journey.” 

Craig S, Senior Officer Salvation Army

“Since doing the school my relationship with Jesus has been so incredibly intimate. I can hear His voice 24/7. It is almost as if we are one. I am so filled with His joy and peace. I have found that I am able to listen past my client’s words and really hear their hearts in my daily work. I now naturally listen reflectively – this is really amazing! My communication with my son has improved and God has given me amazing words for him.

Heather B, Counsellor, Vic, Aust

“I found the course to be enormously informative and very practical. The demonstrations and workshop experiences were excellent. Peter and Heather, it was especially marvellous to get to know you and have all the broader teaching about tongues, communion and Jesus filtering through it all. I feel very impacted in a positive way by who you are and I want to thank you”.

Julien W, Prayer Minister, Vic, Aust

“Thank you for your excellent teaching and ministry. There were so many memorable and wonderful aspects. To highlight some: the emphasis on Communion, its purpose and effects; the emphasis on the ultimate goal of intimacy with Jesus. This course integrates vital teaching from various sources in a way that makes it ground breaking. I would love to see all ministers, missionaires and in fact all committed believers taking such a course. What a release of power there would be!”

Rosemary W, Long term missionary, MA, M Theo, Wellington, NZ

“Anazao’s ministry to victims of trauma, and their insight into the kingdom of Darkness and Dissociation is revolutionary.  I believe God has given the Toth’s such revelation knowledge that both ministers and clients will be hugely impacted by the healing that takes place when this ministry is utilized.  I thoroughly endorse Anazao’s teaching and ministry and encourage Christian ministers to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from them by attending their Cutting Edge Schools”.

Claire H, Pastor and Counsellor, Christchurch, NZ

I know I’m reacting to inflammatory situations more humbly than before and Ohh the pain of true forgiveness & commitment to intimacy!!!  Jesus is truly the star and He has shown us the straight and narrow way.  I’ve already had sessions with my daughter and husband and CPR achieved. The miracle is… they let me!!!  Well it’s a start!

Anne Marie Y, Qld, Aust

I know I’m reacting to inflammatory situations more humbly than before and Ohh the pain of true forgiveness & commitment

“I want to let you both know that I have appreciated all four weeks of the Anazao course.  Peter, I found your way of teaching extremely clear and informative, and the power points that matched our manual was the best I have seen.  Heather, I found your helpful but no-nonsense approach to things reassuring and Words of Knowledge quite wonderful – I’m practising!  Although I still grapple with some of the theory and find some things easier to take on board than others, I have no hesitation in accepting and applauding the practical ministry/ministry that you do.  I appreciate your knowledge and experience, your patience and persistence, your respect for the person, and the way you both work so well together.

I don’t want this email to sound like empty praise, but one thing I really want to say is that I loved the way you were both open about your own lives, and shared your own shortcomings with honesty and humour. Transparency is such a powerful thing in establishing trust and encouraging others to reflect and share more honestly.

Doug also found the one Anazao week he attended very helpful.  He says that his anxiety quickly dissipated due to the down-to earth teaching and the friendliness of everyone.  In fact there have been some very positive changes in our relationship!”

to intimacy!!!  Jesus is truly the star and He has shown us the straight and narrow way.  I’ve already had sessions with my daughter and husband and CPR achieved. The miracle is… they let me!!!  Well it’s a start!

Sue F, Clinical Psychologist, Vic, Aust

“I just wish everyone could do this because you don’t realize how much your relationship with Jesus can be based on lies and things other people have told you about Him! The truth is incredible!  The relationship I have with Jesus now does not compare to what I have had in the past! I am so much more living in the truth and growing closer to Him! I actually hear Him speak! The sheep now recognizes the shepherd’s voice!! And its beautiful! Thanks so much!” 

Jess F, Teacher, Vic, Aust

“What I found was that the Anazao school has a very effective approach ( I’d like to say the most effective ministry approach, but I do not know all of them) and gets great results, is quick in its methods. It is so normal, because you Peter and Heather are so normal. What is really precious is that the goal in your ministry is drawing people to greater intimacy with Jesus and Jesus is always the STAR. Also I like your sense of humour. I would say you are pretty ahead in this kind of ministry, guys! 

Majka M, Bratislava, Slovakia

“The Cutting Edge School has blown me away: presenting many challenges.  I have been making some very dramatic & permanent changes in my life. The school had a loving supportive group of people & I did enjoy meeting & talking with each one. Appreciated Heather’s loving, wise support and intuition, & how she worked with Peter. Each day’s learning – Peter was a stunning teacher. Never knew what he was going to challenge us with next! Each week’s learning was certainly a big challenge to keep it all in the head!!  The daily teaching re communion has had a profound effect on me.  My understanding of communion is changed forever.  Thank you Peter for your wisdom & research. 

Peter, I appreciated the way you backed up your teaching with personal & very practical examples.  That is when ‘the theory’ ‘kicked in’ as revelation. I liked having the variety of teaching & practical sessions.  A chance to listen, learn & experience the teaching and practical aspects.There was a good blend of Peter’s demonstrations and individual practical sessions.  We were given time to view how specific ministry was best worked through.  Also time to practically work in groups on the areas being studied”. 

Llyn B, Prayer Minister, Vic, Aust

“The Cutting Edge School was an amazing learning experience for me, as Peter constantly challenged my thinking & long held paradigms with his skilful teaching style and demonstrations. The insights I gained are invaluable in my ministry practice and I am already ministering with far greater confidence and authority. Since the School the Lord seems to be bringing needy people across my path who I would have hesitated to help in the past, but now I feel I can offer them hope and healing. I experienced a huge breakthrough in my own personal life as a result of the ministry on dissociation. The stronghold of self-pity was removed resulting in far greater intimacy with the Lord and an increased capacity & authority in spiritual warfare. The teaching on communion was wonderful and my husband & I continue to grow closer to Jesus and each other, as we take it together each day.

There was a good mix of teaching and demonstration and I appreciated the practical sessions with other students. The 1 1/2 hour breaks over lunch were great because I needed to get out and enjoy the countryside and clear the head! It was great to have REAL coffee & your extra effort with the morning/afternoon teas Heather was much appreciated!

Thank you both so much for a remarkable few weeks – weeks I will never forget! May The Lord continue to give you insights and greater anointing as you minister so powerfully for Him. Bless you both heaps!” 

Alison G, Counsellor, Vic, Aust.

Thanks for a wonderful two weeks – the teaching, the demonstration, the practice – wonderfully balanced. 

Alana S, Prayer Minister, Vic, Aust

I have got a more intimate relationship with Jesus – one I didn’t know I could have. I’ve always known he is with me but now he is with me and a part of me.

Bronwen M, NZ

Peter has an amazingly creative teaching style, making difficult concepts simple and explaining them in different ways to get the point across. I have experience more intimacy with Jesus, especially with communion. 

Grace Milburn, NZ

Really helpful. Has answered many questions I’ve had. I’ve received greater revelation regarding communion and definitely feel closer to Jesus.

Sarah Wilson, Psychologist, NZ


Sarah Wilson, Psychologist, NZ


Ralph Lester, NZ

“It has changed my life.  I will never be the same again.  I see the journey of sanctification is so much more than I ever imagined.  Intimacy with Jesus was accomplished and I expect it to continue.”

Wayne P, North Carolina

“Wow! My new favorite word! The course brought such a great connection to Jesus for me, more than I have ever experienced before.  Truly opened up my way of thinking and is moving me to go deeper.  Thank you.” 

Michelle S, Denver, Colorado

“Amazing to see such complex content taught so thoroughly and simply.  Thank you for keeping things real, deep, and understandable at the same time.  The freedom that came from understanding communion is beyond words”

Julie , Denver, Colorado

“Extremely helpful.  Less fluff than most courses.  Information well organised.  The daily hygiene prayers and communion teaching alone would have been worth the cost of the course!”  Sue E, Denver, Colorado

“Powerful!  This course woke me up to the nature of the spiritual battle, the depth of love Jesus has for us, and communion.” 

Bob M, Denver, Colorado

“I’m coming away with so MANY things it is hard to pick just a few. Communion teaching was so powerful, as was daily hygiene.  Also our authority and how much authority Satan still has.  A huge impact was through the demonstrations, seeing and realising how much Jesus loves us and is continuously protecting us.” 

Jackie T, Denver, Colorado

“Very Amazing!  So appreciated the depth of thinking that went into these concepts. Especially enjoyed communion, ministry tips, boundaries, and seeing the demonstrations.  It has set me free to think differently about healing and deliverance.” 

D.M Colorado.