Readers Comments on “God Wants to Heal so why Doesn’t He?”

“I want to let you know that your book of “God wants to heal, so why doesn’t he” has been a roadmap for sin in my life. Kind of my GPS. So I am grateful that you wrote it, its been of great help. The profile of Fibromyalgia is so accurate it is not funny. Thanks.” John, Sydney

I have attended seminars by Henry Wright and read his book.  His connection of sin to diseases was really good. Yours is next level.  Like a download from the Holy Spirit.  Very precise. Very convicting.   Sam, USA

I was on pethidine for migraine headaches for years. No cure. I read your two page profile for migraines and all of that over functioning self talk you listed was exactly me. Since working through your suggestions, it has been years since I have had a headache of any kind.  Lucy, NSW

The sin profiles for the various diseases that you list are so accurate, it is like you have been reading my personal diary.  John, England

Working through the sins listed for cancer was a wake up call to just how sin and sickness are so connected. I have gone through a lot of repentance on my benders, with my wife helping me to remove blindspots!  The cancer reduced, was removed and hasn’t returned.  Matt, NZ

A friend of mine came to you for healing of Meniere’s disease. You removed her dissociative parts and worked through the sin list and there was partial healing.  She continued to work on the sin list afterwards and now she is completely healed. PTL. Owen, NZ

I was going to need a knee replacement. I worked on the sins you have listed for knees and my knees are a lot better. The replacement is now unnecessary. Janice, NSW